Satyarth Arora is a PhD student in the Computer Science Department @ University of Miami. He is passionate about Digital Audio, Audio Software Development, Beatboxing and is curious about how research in audio is conducted and interested in products that enables music production for individual with no or little musical experience/exposure. 

Satyarth is an avid researcher with a focus on Virtual Analog Modelling, Deep Learning for Audio Synthesizers and DSP algorithm optimization. He had published his paper on "Fast Algorithms for Blackbox Modelling of Static Hammerstein Nonlinearities" and presented it at the 153rd Convention of AES (NYC).

He currently works as a Doctoral Teaching Assistant for the Computer Science Department @ UM. He previously worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Music Engineering Department @ UM where he was the secondary instructor for Audio Signal Processing II, Audio Signal Processing III and Transducer Theory course. He also facilitated and organized the weekly forums hosted by the Music Engineering Department.

He is the author of the AuxPort software library, which provides modularized DSP, GUI and OS modules that simplify audio software development. He also wrote WrappedAFX, an extension to the popular audio framework RackAFX that allows users to rapidly prototype audio DSP algorithms.


Digital Signal Processing